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Remembering The Incredible Life of
John Quirk
he horse world is a tight-knit community,
and the passing of John Quirk has left
an empty spot in equestrian circles
around the globe. Married to his wife Tish
for 44 years, Johnwas a tremendous force
in the horse world – making it a better
place for all equestrians, one show at
a time. While his accomplishments
are many, John may be best
remembered for having the vision
to bring the Show Jumping and
Dressage World Cup Finals to
Las Vegas and the World Cup
Final to Del Mar.
During his 92 years, John’s
talents were many – from
publisher to horse breeder to
horse show organizer. Prior
to becoming part of the horse
world, John was a graduate
of the United States Naval
Academy and proud to be a
fghter pilot before turning to
the business world where he
became one of the foremost
manufacturer’s representatives in
Detroit. He was also a best-selling
novelist, having penned six books
including No Red Ribbons and The
Hard Winners.
In 1968 John married Tish, a model,
photographer and horse rider, and embraced
the horse world with gusto. The husband
and wife duo became horse breeders,
breeding several champions. In 1980,
John bought HORSES Magazine,
it into a successful
publication. John also became an
event organizer, bringing shows
such as the 1992 Volvo World
Cup Final to Del Mar and the
Budweiser World Cup Final
2000, 2003, 2005, 2007 and
2009 in Las Vegas to fruition.
Sidelines Magazine carries
the name HORSES USA on its
masthead, and John’s articles
were often found in our pages.
Sidelines publisher Samantha
Charles, a dear friend of John
and Tish, recalls how special
John was. “In a world of
sometimes immense decadence,
the horse world, somehow he
was always a man of principal
and so approachable. When he
called me one afternoon across
the continent and asked if we would
carry his banner, HORSES USA, on
our masthead, I was thrilled at the honor.
John started writing his op-ed pieces late in
life, and I only wish it had started earlier, as
his work was a tremendous asset to our pages.”
Samantha also had the joy of experiencing John’s
talent at bringing world-class shows to life. “I’ll never forget
the World Cup in Las Vegas at the Thomas Mack arena. Who
would have thought you could take the very conservative world
of jumping and dressage and add laser lights, bawdy music and
Vegas dancers with ostrich feather plums! Well John did and he
pulled it off! When we all stood to watch Debbie McDonald prance
in perfect rhythm to Tina Turner’s “Respect” on Brentina, doing
one tempi changes down the centerline in her musical freestyle, I
looked around at a sold-out house and not a dry eye in the place!
That is what John Quirk could accomplish!!”
Tish shared a collection of her photos of John with Sidelines,
and we are thankful for this wonderful pictorial journey as well as
her descriptions of the photos. “John came into the horse world
as his gift to me and he made it better for everyone. He embraced
it and helped it grow and brought joy to everyone he met. For 47
years John
flled my life with wonder and showed me how full life
can be. He is worthy of our tears but he would wish us joy in the
glorious memories. I will spend the rest of my life grateful for his
love and always loving, remembering and thanking him. He died
in my arms but he will live forever in my heart,” Tish said.
All photos courtesy of Tish Quirk
We were married
December 12,
1968 in the
Palm Springs
home of Hoagy
Carmichael who
wrote Stardust,
Georgia and
a zillion other
famous songs. 
He wrote
special music
for us and
played and
sang at our
wedding. It
was a magical
day and a
John Quirk.
August 15,1920 to
April 12, 2012