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to Brussels, I’ve been able to meet so many amazing people;
I developed a friendship with John while I was in Spain for the
Sunshine Tour. When I listened to him talk about the sport and his
experiences, I was inspired. There are so many amazing people in
our sport with incredible stories that I wanted to create a platform
in order to tell some of those stories.
What is the funniest story you’ve been told by a
Hmm, the really funny ones, I can’t really tell those! But that’s
a hard question as there are so many funny stories. I like the
one about Michael and John (Whitaker) switching passes at the
Olympics one year because people kept mixing them up. So they
decided to be one another for a day as a joke. Really funny thing
was no one noticed. Everyone who knew them thought it was
really funny, only problem was John lost Michael’s pass and the
next day he couldn’t get back into the Olympic village. John and
Michael both have the best sense of humor. They know how to
make light of all the intensity surrounding international success.
I think that’s one of the reasons why they both have had such
amazing careers; they don’t take themselves too seriously. They
know how to have a good laugh, especially at themselves.
Who would you like to interview but haven’t had the
chance to yet?
Steve Guerdat from Switzerland – the 2012 Olympic gold
medalist in individual show jumping.
What upcoming shows are you most excited
WEF in Wellington and Mechelen in Belgium are coming up.
Mechelen was started by Eric Wauters and his family. It has an
amazing following in Belgium when it starts right after Christmas.
It’s a lot of fun and the atmosphere is super festive.
What has been the biggest surprise during your
I was pleasantly surprised by the city of Oslo in Norway. I
wasn’t sure what to expect when I went there for the frst leg of the
Western European World Cup League. It is a very cool city. Also,
I was completely blown away by the sheer number of people that
showed up for the Dublin Horse show. Thousands and thousands
of people came to watch the Nations Cup. I have never seen so
many passionate spectators then I did in Dublin. 
What is one thing most people wouldn’t know
about the international show jumping scene?
There are many riders that don’t come from a lot of money. The
Whitaker brothers had to deliver milk bottles as kids to help make
ends meet. Scott Brash’s father is a builder from Edinburgh. Jaime
Guerra comes from very humble beginnings in Mexico. Peter
Charles is also another Yorkshireman from simple beginnings.
We were laughing a couple weeks ago with Rolf-Goran Bengtsson
about the old beat up horse truck he used to have when he was
starting out in Sweden. Edwina Tops-Alexander used to get 20
cents a week allowance. She would save up for weeks to get
a Horse and Hound magazine from England. There are a lot of
riders in the sport who started with very little.
About the writer: Katie Shoultz is a freelance writer and
photographer residing in Lexington, Kentucky.